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All rights reserved.Novecento wide LightBold2.001;SVTD;Novecentowide-DemiBoldNovecento wide Light BoldVersion 2.001;PS 002.001;hotconv 1.0.56;makeotf.lib2.0.21325Novecentowide-DemiBoldJan TonellatoJan Tonellato| OVERVIEW | This is the revised and improved version of Novecento, an uppercase-only font family inspired on european typographic tendencies between the second half of 19th century and first half of the 20th.It looks rational and geometric. However, it is optically corrected and balanced. This font face is designed to be used mostly for headlines, visual identities or short sentences, both in big and small sizes. Lighter faces provide a more contemporary and design look&feel, while the bolder ones definitely look retro.Novecento family was kerned with love and patience; each font has between 1030 and 1090 kerning pairs.Novecento is available both in opentype format (.otf) and as a webfont (@fontface). | OPENTYPE FEATURES | CASE Set All-Caps to get colon and semicolon glyphs centered. DNOM & NUMR Small 0 to 9 figures to get proper weight numerators (aligned to cap height) and denominators (aligned to baseline). FRAC Custom fractions generation feature SUPS Small 0 to 9 figures to get proper weight superiors. LOCL Romanian and Polish advanced diacritics support. Just select your text language to activate the localized accents. SS01 / SALT Alternate Q letter shape for ultra narrow line heights. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n�1 (ss01) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS02 / SALT Alternate N letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n�2 (ss02) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS03 / SALT Alternate I letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n�3 (ss03) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS04 / SALT Alternate J letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n�4 (ss04) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS05 / SALT Alternate Y letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n�5 (ss05) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. TNUM / PNUM Tabular/proportional figures set. Figures of same width always align, despite of their weight. ZERO / SALT Slashed zero alternate glyph, works with tabular and proportional figures, numerators, denominators and superiors. Implemented both as Zero as Salt to maximize compatibility between applications.typography.synthview.comwww.synthview.comEULA (END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT) FREE FONT LICENCE v.1.2 | DEFINITIONS | " End-User  refers to you either as individual or single entity. " EULA  refers to this End-User License Agreement. " This Software  refers to the set of font files, or to any part of it, and any documentation released under this End-User License Agreement. " You  refers to the individual or single entity downloading and using this This Software. The terms You  and End-User  both refer to You. " Author  refers to Jan Tonellato  typography.synthview.com, who designed and programmed the font Software and owns its exclusive intellectual property. | PREAMBLE | This EULA End-User License Agreement is a legal agreement between End-User, either as individual or single entity, and the Author and allows a non-exclusive and unlimited-in-duration permission to use this Software. Nothing in this EULA shall be deemed to transfer to End-User any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right except as expressly set forth herein. By downloading this Software, You agree to this EULA in all its terms and conditions. If you don t agree to any of the following terms and conditions, you may not use this Software. | SCOPE | You can use this Software for any non-commercial and commercial work. | ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS EMBEDDING | This Software may be embedded into portable electronic documents such as Pdf. | WEBFONT EMBEDDING | You are allowed to use this Software without prior permission or credit on websites/web-applications when bitmap images or vectors (swf) only are generated or when using it with utilities like sIFR. When doing it, you must provide the highest protection level for embedded fonts preventing this Software to be downloaded and restricting its usage to a single domain. You are allowed to embed this Software in your web site (@font-face) only if you credit this Software s name and put a visible link to http://typography.synthview.com on at least one page of the site itself. Alternatively, you are allowed to use this Software by adding the following line (setting the proper font name) into your web site s CSS, next to the lines embedding it: /* [Full font name] is a font by Jan Tonellato http://typography.synthview.com */ | SOFTWARE EMBEDDING | You can embed this Software into an other software, without altering the provided files, if all following conditions are achieved: 1. you must obtain a prior written authorisation from the Author; 2. you must credit the Author, this Software name and this Software s URL somewhere in your software; 2.1. the credit placement must be specified in the authorisation request. Any credit placement change make the previous embedding authorisation fail and needs a new authorisation request; 2.2. the credit text must be specified in the authorisation request. Any credit text change makes the previous embedding authorisation fail and needs a new authorisation request. | CONVERSION | You are not allowed to convert this Software in any format without a prior written permission from the Author. | EDITING/ALTERING | You are not allowed to edit, decompile, alter or modify this Software in any way nor to create any derivative work. | NUMBER OF USERS AND SHARING | You are allowed to install and use this Software on any number of computers, output devices and for any number of users. You are allowed to share this Software inside your company or office, by hard drive supports or intranet, as a restricted access to it is assured. You are allowed to share this Software with your printing and rendering services. You can make unlimited number of personal archive copies of this Software. | DISTRIBUTION | You are strictly forbidden to sell, resell, lease or charge for access to this Software. You are not allowed to publish and/or openly distribute this Software on any offline or online product/platform, without a prior written permission from the Author. You are nevertheless allowed to link this Software s web page from your support. | COPYRIGHT & INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY | This Software, both as artwork and font file, was entirely made by Jan Tonellato - http://typography.synthview.com who owns all its authorship rights, including intellectual property. | DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES | You understand and agree that your use of this Software is entirely at your own risk and that it is provided "As Is". This shall include, but not be limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of copyright, patent, trademark, or other right. | LIMITATION OF LIABILITY | You understand and agree that the Author shall in no event be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages. This shall include, but not be limited to damages for loss of profits, business interruption, business reputation or goodwill, loss of programs or information or other intangible loss. The above limitation shall apply whether or not the Author has been advised of or should have been aware of the possibility of such damages. In jurisdictions where the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages is not allowed the liability of this Software is limited to the greatest extent permitted by law. | APPLICABLE LAW AND ASSIGNMENT OF JURISDICTION | You accept this EULA to be exclusively governed by French law. In the absence of an amicable settlement, any dispute that may arise due to the interpretation or execution of the present EULA shall be submitted to the competent jurisdiction of the Paris court of first instance of general jurisdiction (Tribunal de grande instance de Paris - 75). | FINAL NOTES | End-users may not use this Software for any racist, sexist, discriminatory purposes. http://typography.synthview.com/eula-free-fontv1-02.pdf http://typography.synthview.com/eula-free-fontv1-02.pdfNovecento wideDemiBoldWebfont 1.0Sat Aug 22 04:31:33 2015defaultperseusFont Squirrel���  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`a�����������������������������bc�d�e�������f����g�����h���jikmln�oqprsutvw�xzy{}|��~����������     �������������glyph1glyph2uni00A0uni00ADuni00B2uni00B3uni00B9uni2000uni2001uni2002uni2003uni2004uni2005uni2006uni2007uni2008uni2009uni200Auni2010uni2011 figuredashuni202Funi205FEurouni25FC�����K�PX��Y�F+X!�YK�RX!��Y�+\X� E�+D� E��+�+D� E� `+�+D� E�I+�+D� E�2+�+D� E�#+�+D� E�+�+D� E�X+�+D� E� A+�+D� E� +�+D� E�+D� E�  +�Fv+D� E�+�Fv+D� E�!+�Fv+D� E� �+�Fv+D� E�++�Fv+D� E�+�Fv+D� E��+�Fv+D� E�v+�Fv+D� E�h+�Fv+D� E�Y+�Fv+D� E�D+�Fv+D� E�=+�Fv+DY�+U�3e